The Alpine Fellowship Music Prize

Grace Bailey

Sound and Music news
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The Alpine Fellowship Music Prize 2024


We are proud to award a £3,000 cash prize to the creator of a new piece that responds to our theme which in 2024 is ‘Language’.

We will also invite the winners to attend and perform at our annual symposium and will offer upto £500 travel subsistance to help with travel. Meals and accomodation during the symposium are also covered.


  • Applicants must be aged 18 and above.

  • All application materials must be in English (music/songs can be in other languages, but application materials themselves should be in English)

  • Applicants must be available and willing to travel to and perform their piece live at our 2024 symposium – venue and dates to be announced soon.

Guidance for Applicants

  • This prize is aimed at those who both compose and can perform new music.

  • This prize rewards the creation of a new piece of music that responds to our theme.

  • The piece can be a written song or a piece of instrumental music, and can be in any genre, style or on any instrument.

  • Pieces should be no more than 30-minutes in length, there is no minimum length required.

  • The piece should be able to be performed live at our symposium and should be able to be performed by the winner of the prize.

  • Applications from multiple writers/performers are allowed, however, prize money will be split between winners (for example, if you’re a writing team you can expect £1,500 each)

  • Limited technical equipment or amplification is available at our venue, so an acoustic performance is preferred.

Submission requirements:

  • A brief summary of your music experience or CV.

  • A video of yourself performing your chosen piece (Don’t worry about production quality, we just want to get a sense of your abilities and style.)

  • The lyrics/sheet music or any other written supporting information.

  • A brief statement about how your piece responds to our theme.

  • A brief statement about how your work will be performed at our symposium, including the number of musicians and any technical requirements.

Key dates:

Applications open: 1st January 2024
Applications close: 1st March 2024 at 23:59 (UK time)

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