Contemplations is the launch of Acousmatic Composer and Sound Artists, Emma Margetson’s new album with Empreintes Digitales ‘Contemplations’. Join us for an evening of music composed over the past decade charting a prolonged engagement with the medium of sound. The passing of time remains an important focus within the album. Throughout, sound stands on the edge of the abyss of being; it is evanescent, a temporal fading that passings just as it arrives.
Emma Margetson (1993) is an acousmatic composer and sound artist with extensive experience in multichannel composition, sound diffusion and interpretation. She has received a variety of awards and special mentions for her work including, first prize in the prestigious L’Espace du Son International Spatialisation Competition by INFLUX (Musiques & Recherches), klingt gut! Young Artist Award in 2018 and Ars Electronica Forum Wallis 2019.
Having recently completed a PhD in Musical Composition funded by the AHRC Midlands3Cities Doctoral Training Partnership titled ‘Sonic Immersion: Reaching New Audiences through Sound’, Emma has collaborated with a variety of organisations including the IKON gallery, Research & Cultural Collections at the University of Birmingham and The Barber Institute of Fine Arts.