For over a decade Blueblut have continued to be one of most intriguing and unusual trios with their pick-and-mix sound world that grabs and gobbles up the best of everything it encounters. Here the intensity of rock and the space and openness of electronica meets the razor-sharp precision and wild improvisation of jazz. Prolific collaborator and drummer Mark Holub is joined by Pamelia Stickney, one of the most in-demand theremin players. The third and final member is guitarist and instrument-inventor, Chris Janka. They create music that is fun, free and at times fierce, direct from the Viennese underground. Swirling funfair-like melodies and ideas will fly past and around you, at incredible speed – hold on tight!
Drummer Mark Holub and pianist Sam Bailey have played together in various guises over the years (Jack Hues & the Quartet, Spock) but this will be the first time as a duo. ‘Bailey’s fondness for splicing busy
clusters of notes into rhythmic spaces that seem too tight for them often drove the group to a cliffhanging intensity’ (The Guardian)