Dafydd Roberts (white man with shaved head, wearing glasses and a jacket) altering the settings on a small, electronic device

Dr Dafydd Roberts has made music as Our glassie Azoth since 1993, and is one of Sound and Music’s 2019 Composer-Curator cohort.

The Wire describes Our glassie Azoth  as “Emerging at some distant extreme of experimentation…Weird, wonderful alchemy” (Tom Ridge, The Wire). He also recently collaborated with Toshimaru Nakamura to devise an object score deriving from Japanese ceramics. His music has been played by John Peel, Adam Walton (BBC) and Ed Pinsent (Resonance FM).

Dafydd’s Composer-Curator project ‘Unland’ draws together composers and participants to make new sound performances based around the psychogeographic memory of rural mid-Wales.


Unland (excerpt)


Dafydd Roberts - Unland [Audio Postcard 25/08/21]