Seed Award 2024 Q&A: SHHE

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Sound and Music’s Seed Award brings together a diverse group of composers, each with a unique voice and vision. This Q&A series offers a glimpse into their creative worlds, revealing their musical influences, current projects, and aspirations for the future.

Here, we speak to Seed Award 2024 composer SHHE.

Can you tell us about your musical influences?

My artistic practice is influenced by environment and ecology, exploring themes of identity and connection at the intersection between sound, space and liminal states.

What are you working on at the moment?

A Cryptic Commission for Sonica 2024.

The Moving Tides is an evocative new project by Scottish-Portuguese sound artist and musician, SHHE. Utilising her voice and modular synthesiser, SHHE crafts an immersive, multi-speaker sound experience.

Inviting audiences into a contemplative space, The Moving Tides navigates the complexities of our relationship with the sea, balancing introspection with urgency and finding comfort in the unknown. The project draws on the themes of Rachel Carson’s book, ‘The Sea Around Us’, and was developed during a 2022 residency in Alexandria, Egypt under the British Council’s Creative Commission for Climate Action.

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