In Motion 2024 Q&A: Damsel Elysium

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Sound and Music’s In Motion programme brings together a diverse group of composers, each with a unique voice and vision. This Q&A series offers a glimpse into their creative worlds, revealing their musical influences, current projects, and aspirations for the future.

Here, we speak to In Motion 2024 composer Damsel Elysium.

Can you tell us about your musical influences?

Despite being partly classically trained on violin, my interests lie in breaking expectation and learned practices. I am self taught at the double bass and learnt through somatic practices. I am fundamentally influenced by improvisation but also draw from the sonic world around me. I am also drawn to nature and objects as well as history to create rich conceptual worlds.

What are you working on at the moment?

At the moment, I am exploring new approaches to composing and documenting work, as well as taking more interest in my visual art practice and how that can feed my music and performances. I imagine this moment of uncharted exploration will amalgamate into an album project.

What are you looking forward to most about In Motion?

I am excited about trying new things and having people to guide me in the right direction. I’m looking forward to building a new community and adding to my circle and knowledge.

Sound and Music is a PRS Foundation Talent Development Network Partner supported by PPL.

In Motion is made possible with the generous support of Arts Council EnglandJerwood Developing Artists FundThe Garrick Charitable Trust, Creative Scotland National Lottery and PRS Foundation.

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