Britten Sinfonia’s Fair Access Commitments

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We’re delighted that Britten Sinfonia have joined us as partners in signing up to our Fair Access Principles in July 2024.

Developed through consultation with a broad range of composers and organisations, Sound and Music’s Fair Access Principles are designed to act as a code of best practice for running successful, open and inclusive artist development programmes, competitions and awards for composers.

In signing up, Britten Sinfonia are committing to enact the Fair Access Principles across their talent development opportunities including Magnum Opus and Opus 1.

You can read their reasons for signing up and future commitments the organisation have made below.

Britten Sinfonia’s Statement

“Britten Sinfonia is pleased to sign up to the Sound and Music Fair Access Principles for our talent development opportunities including Magnum Opus and Opus 1.


These principles are an important way of making our composer development schemes fairer and more inclusive to a wider range of people, as well as making the application process more positive (such as by offering constructive feedback, and covering the cost of access requirements).


We look forward to collaborating with other organisations who have signed up to these principles, taking part in the Fair Access Assembly, and taking steps collectively to remove barriers to inclusion on our composer development schemes.”


Meurig Bowen, Britten Sinfonia CEO & Artistic Director

Want to get involved?

We’re actively looking for more partners to join us in committing to these principles. Find out more about how to get involved by emailing our Head of Artist Development:

Read our Fair Access Principles

Learn more about our Fair Access Principles and partners

Contact us about getting involved

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