Access and Support at the Summer School

A square of four images of the accommadation at the SUmmer School. Top left and right image are photos of the common room featuring couches, a TV and a pool table. The bottom left picture is a photo of a single bedroom with a wardobe and a window. The bottom right picture is a photo of a shared bedroom with 3 single beds visible as well as wardrobes.
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We are committed to being inclusive of young D/deaf and disabled people, and anyone with access requirements, and to ensure all young people are given the resources and support they need to make the Summer School a great experience for them. 

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee the wheelchair accessibility of all of the Purcell School, but the majority of classes do take place on the ground floor and there are lifts and accessible toilets available.
We are committed to supporting all wheelchair users and in the past have been able to welcome wheelchair-using students on the course. 

You are welcome to get in touch at any stage of the application process to have a chat about how we can best support you to make the most of the week.


What is a day like at the Summer School?

The week will primarily consist of small, interactive classroom workshops, with some larger group activities during the evening. All groups will have access to computers on the Purcell site to print any material, record scores, export digital files etc. 

Breaks from work are encouraged and there are timetabled relaxed activities throughout the course.


All young people are assigned a chaperone, who is briefed on their needs and is the young person’s first point of contact for assistance or to ask any questions. 

We have multiple quiet rooms available throughout the Purcell School for young people experiencing sensory issues and anyone needing a quiet space. These can be used at any time during the timetabled day, and all staff are supportive to young people who may have to leave a class/concert or who use ear defenders/headphones, stim toys etc. 

There are also provisions in place to support young people with dietary requirements and needing storage for medication. There are also first-aid trained staff present throughout the week. The Purcell site is completely nut-free.


The on-site accommodation comprises of shared and single bedrooms spread across multiple floors (there are lifts in all accommodation buildings) with shared bathrooms as well as a ground floor common room for all young people to use. There is one chaperone per floor who is clearly signposted and is on call all night to any young person needing assistance. The Education Team are happy to talk with any young person in advance to their arrival to ensure there are in an accommodation they feel most comfortable in.

Gender-inclusivity at the Summer School

The Summer School is an open and inclusive environment, and we respect the identities of all our young people and work with them to ensure the environment is affirming to their identities. 

There are gender-neutral and gendered toilets at the Purcell School and we encourage young people to use whichever they feel most comfortable in.  

Due to the Purcell School’s own policy accommodation is currently gendered, but we will stand with our young people, in particular our trans and non-binary participants, to ensure they are given the choice of where they would like to stay during their time here. 

Find out more and apply to the Summer School here

See our Frequently Asked Questions here

Contact the Education Team with any questions

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