Something Different: Two-Day Workshop

Temi Salau

Sound and Music news
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Image credit:
@ Dawid Laskowski
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sound and Citymoves Dance Agency are delighted to announce that we will be offering an exciting opportunity for Scottish-based  dancers/choreographers, composers/performers and other arts practitioners. 6-10 artists will have the opportunity to work together in a two-day workshop to learn and create with renowned artists Bill Thompson and Penny Chivas.
Opportunity descriptionSOMETHING DIFFERENT is a free two-day practical workshop focussing on collaborative creative practice. Led by sound artist/composer Bill Thompson and dancer/choreographer Penny Chivas, the workshop is primarily oriented toward dancers/choreographers and composers/performers although other arts practitioners are welcome to apply. Over the two days participants will explore creative ways of working, collaborating and performing in ad hoc groups and contexts. Participants will need to be able to respond in real time to creative prompts (for example, musicians and sound artists need to bring an instrument/objects/live electronics) and Bill and Penny will offer both stimulus and ways to shake up our practices. All levels of practice are welcome, the only requirement is an open mind and willingness to experiment.

Date: 20th & 21st October

Time: 10am-6pm on both days

Venue: Aberdeen Arts Centre, 33 King St, Aberdeen AB24 5AA

Cost: Free (participants must cover their own travel/accommodation expenses)

Participants must be available to attend both full days.

This requirement is kept flexible for those living with disability, or those for whom such participation might be tricky due to any other reason related to their underrepresented characteristic. You will be able to discuss this with us upon successful application and we will help find a solution.

We offer this flexibility in order to open our opportunities for those with access requirements and for whom participation is difficult due to their underrepresented characteristic.

CandidatesThe successful candidates will be Scottish-based choreographers/dancers, composers/performers (preferably contemporary classical or experimental music) or other arts practitioners. They will be able to articulate how the workshop would benefit them at this point in their career:

By Scottish-based artists we mean artists of any nationality, who have been resident in Scotland for at least 18 months. Scottish-raised artists who are studying elsewhere in the UK for a limited amount of time may also apply.

We are committed to working with and supporting artists from under-represented groups. Female, trans, gender-diverse, and global majority and Gypsy/Traveller composers, composers from a low-income background, and/or artists with a disability are encouraged to apply. By global majority we mean people from all ethnic groups except white British and other white groups, including white minorities.

AccessibilityAccess costs will be covered for those who require it. You will be asked about your accessibility needs upon successful application, this will be discussed with you individually, and the programme and schedule (where possible and required) will be tailored towards your needs.

If you need any accessibility assistance in applying for this opportunity (for example using alternative application methods such as email or interview via Zoom), please contact Kadri on

How to applyTo apply, please complete the application form:

In the application form you will be asked:

Your name, email, age, pronouns, postcode, and to confirm you are Scottish/resident in Scotland, and to identify your underrepresented characteristic if you wish so.

Why are you interested in this opportunity and how will it help your development as a composer? (text, or upload video or audio).

Previous experience (if any) in working collaboratively and exploring improvisation practices

Tell us about yourself

Small portfolio of your work

You will also be asked to fill in an equalities monitoring form.

There will be an online information session for opportunity on Thursday 12th September from 2pm for those who need further advice or information.  Here’s the link to register for the session:

If further information is required, please contact Kadri on or Lauren on

Deadline for applications: Friday 20th September 2024 11:59pm

We are offering a 2-day “grace period” until the end of day on 22nd September for applicants who can’t reach the deadline due to health challenges, having to care for family members, or other reasonable and/or unexpected circumstances. Please state your reason in the application form. We will inform you whether you are successful or not by 1st October 2024.

If you have any questions or queries please email:

Lauren, Dance Development Coordinator at Citymoves (

Kadri, Coordinator at sound (

Selection processAs mentioned above, we are committed to working with and supporting artists from under-represented sections of the population. To enable this, there is a two-stage application process: an initial selection is made, and then this is narrowed down in a second stage selection process. If you are a woman, LGBTQ and/or gender diverse, global majority or Gypsy/Traveller artist, disabled and/or from a low-income background, you can choose to self-select automatically to the second round.

The selection panel will be made up of representative(s) of Citymoves and sound.

This development opportunity is a collaboration between sound and Citymoves.sound is a new music incubator based in North East Scotland, which aims to increase access to new music, encourage excellence and experimentation, and nurture talent. It achieves this through a variety of activities including the annual soundfestival, a year-round composer support programme, a youth programme, and other learning and engagement activities.

Citymoves is one of the longest running dance agencies in the North-East of Scotland, celebrating 37 years this year, and aims to make a difference through dance. Citymoves offers a variety of classes in their studio and in venues across Aberdeen, and work in partnership with schools, care homes and community groups to deliver a range of outreach projects and activities. Citymoves runs professional classes, artist residency programmes and workshops all year round, and is committed to creating performance opportunities, producing and promoting new dance work – including the annual DanceLive Festival.

Supported by Creative Scotland, PRS Foundation Talent Development Network supported by PPL, Aberdeen City Council and Hugh Fraser Foundation.

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