Any Enemy (established in 2018) is a contemporary music ensemble formed of local musicians in North East Scotland. The ensemble meets regularly with conductor Pete Stollery to rehearse a wide range of new music for flexible instrumentation, and has commissioned a number of new works. For the past 5 years it has offered development opportunities to composers across Scotland and beyond.
Opportunity description
Composition length: approx. 5 mins
This will take place over a period of 4 months with a mixture of online and live sessions (see key dates below).
The new works will then be performed as part of the soundfestival in Aberdeen (venue tbc) on Sunday 27th October.
Key Dates
- Online introductory session: Tuesday 9th July probably at 4pm (exact time tbc)
- Workshop session with musicians: either 8th or 22nd September in Aberdeen (tbc)
- Performance on the 27th October at 11am (venue tbc).
This requirement is kept flexible for those living with disability, or those for whom such participation might be tricky due to any other reason related to their underrepresented characteristic. You will be able to discuss this with us upon successful application and we will help find a solution.
Please note, we offer this flexibility in order to open our opportunities for those with access requirements and for whom participation is difficult due to their underrepresented characteristic. If you are not able to attend those days, and your reason is not related to the above, please consider applying to a different opportunity.
- by emerging we mean composers who are able to demonstrate a number of years of compositional experience, but who don’t consider themselves mid-career, or established. They can be of any age and background, including those who have had to take a substantial career break due to maternity leave or other reasons, or those who practised composition as amateurs in previous years and have now started to take steps into the professional world. They might also be those who had a career in another field of music and are only now identifying as composers, or those who have just graduated etc. It is up to you to define yourself as emerging according to your own personal circumstance.
- by Scottish-based composers we mean composers of any nationality, who have been resident in Scotland for at least 18 months. Scottish-raised composers who are studying elsewhere in the UK for a limited amount of time may also apply, but will be expected to pay for any travel to get to Scotland.
We are committed to working with and supporting composers from under-represented groups. Female, trans, gender-diverse, and global majority composers, composers from a low-income background, and/or composers with a disability are encouraged to apply. By global majority we mean people from all ethnic groups except white British and other white groups, including white minorities.
For this particular opportunity, we are looking for composers, that have experience in working with classically trained musicians and can produce a notated score and/or graphic score.
How to apply
In the application form you will be asked:
- Your name, email, age, pronouns, postcode, and to confirm you are Scottish/resident in Scotland, and to identify your underrepresented characteristic if you wish so.
- Why are you interested in this opportunity and how will it help your development as composer? (text, or upload video or audio).
- Biography or CV (text only).
- Small portfolio of your work: two PDF scores (notated, graphic, or description) and, ideally – recordings/midi of the same pieces.
You will also be asked to fill in an equalities monitoring form.
There will be an online information session for all our current composer development opportunities on Monday 27th May from 12.30-1.30pm for those who need further advice or information. Here’s the link to register for the session:…
If you have any other questions, you can email Kadri on
Deadline for applications: 3rd June
Selection process
The selection panel will be made up of a representative(s) of Any Enemy and sound.
We will inform you whether you are successful or not by the 18th June. We may also offer you a reserve place in case one of the successful candidates can’t take up the opportunity or needs to pull out at an early stage.
- Your creative process should start at the initial date of this project, and continue throughout, punctuated by online or live sessions with the composer mentor and/or musicians.
- You will be working mostly individually, using any medium of your choice during the creative process to help you generate ideas. Any mentoring sessions will be aimed at helping you shape your ideas into a suitable composition.
- For the mid-project live session, you will be expected to present a draft notated score and parts in advance for the musicians (you can use graphic or semi-graphic notation, and/or text instructions, if that is how you normally work). The deadlines for this will be given to you at the introductory meeting.
- After this you will be required to prepare a final fully notated score and parts for a date to be agreed with the musicians.
In between sessions, it is up to you how exactly you would like to manage your process.
If you have any further questions or personal requirements in regards to this, you will be able to discuss them with the manager and/or mentor of the project upon the successful application.
- Tutoring – your mentor is your sounding board and advisor, but you are expected to work as a professional, and will be making your own decisions based on your experience.
- Time management and preparation guidance – while we will provide you with a schedule, we will expect you to manage your own creative flow, and make autonomous decisions on any creative preparations for meeting with musicians, etc. You will always be able to discuss any logistical questions (equipment, access, timeline, etc.) with our manager. Please note that this is a development opportunity leading to a live performance of your work in the soundfestival. It may be possible to make an audio and/or video recording of the performance which, provided the players are happy with the performance, will be available to you for personal, non-public use only, including submission to competitions and as part of educational assignments. If you wish to use it for other purposes, you should get in touch with us to discuss this.
We would however encourage composers to apply for any opportunities that interest them and for which they fit the specification, and not be discouraged if they are not selected for a particular opportunity, as it does not mean that they are not “good” enough. Please do continue to apply for any opportunity that interests you!