Burial, Kinda
Haydar (Go Compose)
We provide opportunities for children and young people to compose and create their own music, join a community, learn from industry professionals and discover new music. We want to support young people with the most important thing: making their own music!
We know there are very few opportunities for young composers and music creators to explore their compositional skills and voices, so we have designed a new artist development programme called In the Making, which aims to create a network that can help them find that support.
You can find some resources from our friends and partners here
What we do
We believe that music education should empower young people to compose and create the music that they want to hear and share. We want to help you 'own' the word composer and support you with the most important thing: making your own music!
You might be asking yourself, "what do you mean by composer?” We use ‘composer’ to describe anyone who creates new sound or music, whether they perform it themselves or write for others - and whether they work with software, with notes on paper, through improvisation, or in other ways.

How to get involved
In the Making is a 12-month programme which will support 70 young people to grow their confidence and expand their skills and creative ambition in an open and accessible environment.
In the Making supports anyone interested in working with music and sound through a diverse range of opportunities, which will be continually developed with insights from our youth advisory group, Young Voices. These include our annual Composition School residential, online skills sessions, bespoke creative composing tasks and networking opportunities.

In the Making is our annual trailblazing artist development programme for young people aged 14-18 and it is the only programme of its type in the UK that supports young composers. This opportunity includes our residential Composition School.

Featuring young composers from our Composition School, our New Music Labs series and artists from across our programmes, get ready to explore AI computer music, Identity and Aesthetics, Climate. Sound. Change and much more.
Featured composer
Thank you to our funders
Thank you so much to those that have supported our education work
The Boltini Trust
The Bliss Trust
The Boris Karloff Charitable Foundation
The Finzi Trust
Lochlands Trust
The Margaret Engering Music Trust
Rowley Trust
Scops Arts Trust
Three Monkies Trust
With special thanks to all those individuals who have generously supported the Susanna Eastburn Bursary Fund Appeal this year.