10:00 am
6:45 pm
Woodmead Halls, Hill Road, Lyme Regis, Dorset DT7 3PG
Suitable for under 18s?
5 Shanties for the 21st Century
Fancy being part of a free singing and performance weekend in Lyme Regis on the 23rd and 24th March, creating new shanties for the 21st Century? Lyme Bay Moonrakers, a Lyme Regis community shanty group, partners with Somerset-based composer Marc Yeats and electricbackroom STUDIO to compose five contemporary vocal pieces that reimagine traditional sea shanties. Marc’s shanties will extend vocal and performance skills through a weekend of fun musical exploration.
Workshops are free and open to all, regardless of experience, but booking is essential.
Events culminate in a live performance at the Woodmead Halls, Lyme Regis, on the evening of Sunday 24th, presenting the old and new shanties to audiences.