We are currently in the process of re-developing some of our older toolkits (e.g. Young Composers' Toolkit, Composer's Toolkit, Export Toolkit, Producer's Toolkit etc). We have retained a small number of those toolkits and we'll be announcing our newly-developed toolkits in the near future.
Explore some of our most recent resources below.

This toolkit is a useful introduction to the differences between coaching and mentoring and how they may be useful in your artistic development

The COVID-19 lockdown presents an unprecedented challenge for educators. To support you through this challenging time, we’ve collated a selection of useful resources for use by teachers and homeschooling parents alike.

Our Fair Access Principles are designed to act as a code of best practice for running successful, open and inclusive artist development programmes, competitions and awards for composers. Our partners include PRS Foundation, Snape Maltings, Opera North, the Royal Philharmonic Society and Sage Gateshead.

Designed to give composers and sound artists information and advice on how to build and sustain a career in the music industry, this toolkit has valuable insights for composers at any stage in their career.