Satnam Galsian is a British-Asian vocalist engaged in fascinating international experiments with song heritages. Her unique style and versatility are particularly demonstrated through her exploration of the connections between North Indian and Western music traditions in both her solo and collaborative work. She currently performs with her band Kinaara, who released their debut EP ‘Across The River’ to enthusiastic audiences, especially across the North of England. She is interested in promoting health and wellbeing through music. 

In July 2021 Satnam received one of Sound and Music’s COVID-19 Composer Awards:

“The Covid-19 Composer Award will enable me to have song-writing sessions with an established singer-songwriter. As a singer myself this will help me to learn a new skill and develop my own practice in the future. Being able to write my own songs will open up more work and creative opportunities for me. I am extremely grateful to Sound and Music for selecting me as a recipient of this grant.”