Contribute audio for recording project

Chris Joseph

Sound and Music news
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I am working on a project to construct a piece of mine (Music Machine 41) from multiple audio files that have been contributed by as many people as possible. The resulting piece will be released on bandcamp.

You can see how the piece works by following this link:

You can send a recording of you playing the whole piece if you wish but I’d prefer if people send me audio files of set lengths (see below). You can contribute as many files as you wish. The files can be (for example) a single note or chord played by one person, an ensemble (choir, wind band, quartet etc) could contribute a single note or chord played by them all. You could send a section of field recording, bird song, traffic noise, water or the sea. Please contact me if you have any questions.

If you wish to contribute please follow these instructions:

Record an audio file (preferably in wav format) of either 5, 8, 10, 15 or 20 seconds duration. Name the file with your name and the length of the file, for example your_name_8.wav

Send your file(s) to me simon(at)simonbelshaw(dot)co(dot)uk via wetransfer


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