North Sea Voices and Orchestra, directed by Dr Susannah Self, is a professional ensemble based in coastal North Norfolk. They will be joined on this occasion by the Ely Collegium, a newly-formed choir of highly-skilled choral singers, as well as soprano, alto, oboe, horn and trumpet soloists.
Alongside Vivaldi’s beautiful and ever-popular Gloria in D, they are due to perform an important choral première, Dr Self’s Stabat Mater which, in addition to the traditional Latin text, includes parts of another medieval Latin poem, the Planctus ante nescia.
Review of April 2023 concert: “Sea Requiem was a substantial score, yet the material flowed naturally… the extended silence which followed this conclusion…. was a tribute to the audience’s rapt concentration and the cumulative effect of Susannah Self’s fervent, directly expressive music.“ -Paul Conway, Musical Opinion 2023
A special feature is the appearance of talented Ely singers Kate Arnold and Tamsin Jones, who will be singing alto solos in the concert.
Tickets: FREE but please reserve a place via this page:
With a retiring collection for SANDS, the charity supporting parents suffering stillborn or neonatal bereavement: cash or card accepted