Join us on 5 November at 10 am for an engaging online discussion about music and nature
“We are, allegedly, a nation of nature lovers; but what does that really mean?
For some it’s watching racer snakes chase iguanas on TV as David Attenborough narrates, a visit to the zoo to convene with the chimps; for others it’s a far-too-ambitious clamber up a mountain, the thrilling spectacle of a rare bird in flight.” (Lev Parikian – Into the Tangled Bank)
Nature has long been a source of fascination and inspiration for creatives too. Composers over the centuries have written music that captures the essence of the natural world in all kinds of unique and wonderful ways.
Join us for an exploration of what ‘nature’ means to composers today, how they take the sounds of nature and turn them into music, and what that means for our collective understanding of the natural world.