Composer’s Toolkit: 3.2 After The Event

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3.2 After The Event

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Thank You

Many people will have contributed to make your event a success, and each one of them deserves to recieve a thank-you note. In particular, remember to thank all of your project’s funders. Expressing your genuine gratitude will be very much appreciated by funding bodies and individual donors alike and might make them more likely to help out again in the future. Thanking performers is also vital – they made your music come alive and will be the best advocates for your work.

Documentation and follow-up

If you were able to have a video or audio recording made of your event, make the most of it. Send links to material on SoundCloud or your website to everybody who had expressed interest in attending your performance but wasn’t able to. Include photos and sound bites from the event in your next newsletter. When writing speculative letters, remember to mention the performance and offer to supply the recordings.


Evaluation is the final part of your project. Ask yourself what went well and what you would do differently next time. If you received a grant from a funding body you will probably have to write an evaluation report, outlining successes and failures within your project and showing if the budget worked as proposed or if it panned out differently. Keep a record of your project evaluation in your archive and refer to it should you decide you enjoyed creating your own performance opportunity so much, you want to do it all over again.

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